On 2016-03-01 07:52, patrice colet wrote:
> I tried the plugin on pd-vanilla, it doesn't create objects when a patch
> is dragged on a canvas, it is supposed to create a text but nothing is
> happening.

afaict the gui plugins "works", but it (a) might not be what you want
and (b) has some bugs that make it look like it doesn't do anything.

(a) the "text-onto-patch-plugin.tcl" plugin will allow you to drop text
as comments into your Pd patch. it does NOT allow you to drop
patch-snippets on a patch window. it also doesn't allow you to drop
entire patche files onto another patch window (in order to paste the
contents of the file into the new patch).

(b) at least on my linux system the comments are created somewhere off
screen. it seems that the coordinates are calculated as absolute
positions on my screen, and then used as (relative) coordinates in the
patch. unfortunately the scroll-bars aren't updated, so the user doesn't
get notified that somebody was created off-window.

there's also the "patches-on-pdwindow-plugin.tcl" that allows you to
drop patch-files on the Pd-window (that's the Pd-console; not a patch
window) and it opens the file as expected (as a top-level patch).


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