Le 01/03/2016 11:31, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
On 2016-03-01 10:21, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
On 2016-03-01 07:52, patrice colet wrote:
Attached is a script for creating an object if a pd file in search
folders is dragged on a canvas but it doesn't work. This is doing a kind
of loop when the plugin do
  pdsend "$mytoplevel obj $x $y <myDraggedObject>", the console complains
1000x that the object is already loaded and finaly couldn't create. The
same command works when it's sent from a patch.

this pugin works for me however:

I've got pd-0.46.7 on Manjaro archlinux and it doesn't work for me, same error with the fixed version. there is no tkdnd package for archlinux, the aur version is dead, I've compiled and installed this one:

- it only works for patches that are stored in my fully-qualified search
path. e.g. i can drop "/home/frodel/pd-externals/foo.pd" but i cannot
drop "/tmp/bar.pd" (unless i added "/tmp" to my search path).

This is exactly how I designed this plugin, glad it works for you, what tkdnd version are you using?

- it has the same offset-error as the original plugin, so it's not
obvious that something has been dropped.

attached is a fixed version which will accept files from any directory
(and will try to use the search-paths to get proper objectnames)
it also accepts patches being dropped on the pdwindow (just like
jonathan's original plugin).

slight downer: it doesn't take local search paths (e.g. [declare -path
bla]) into account and might use full paths instead.

Thank you for the fix!


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