here is a vanilla way to clear a delay line.

Le 23/11/2016 à 18:59, Matt Barber a écrit :
I don't know about average, but I have heard "longest delay I use is maybe 30-60 
seconds" a few times. The bass piece I presented at PdCon has up to 30 seconds of 
delay for a complex mensuration/transposition canon, and it would be very useful to be 
able to clear it for rehearsal purposes.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:35 PM, Jonathan Wilkes < 
<>> wrote:

    > In this case, I'd probably rather see a hybrid approach where a second buffer is 
already waiting. Then you could give "clear 300", and it would switch to the empty 
buffer immediately while guaranteeing that the other one is clear in 300ms. But this is 
maybe too complicated for the user, and uses too much memory?

    In the user reports, what is the average size of the buffer?  Are we really 
talking about buffers greater than, say, 1000ms?

    This sounds like premature optimization to me.


    On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 7:32 AM, Ivica Bukvic < 
<>> wrote:

        For clear, I can imagine having a second empty memory buffer being 
created while delay continues to use the populated one until the memory 
allocation is complete. At that point a simple change in the pointer should 
suffice, after which the old buffer gets trashed. This would break determinacy, 
so perhaps a separate argument could be used to enable this option in which 
case the object could get another outlet that sends a bang when the procedure 
is complete.
        Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
        Associate Professor
        Computer Music
        ICAT Senior Fellow
        Director -- DISIS, L2Ork
        Virginia Tech
        School of Performing Arts – 0141
        Blacksburg, VA 24061
        (540) 231-6139 <> <> <> <> <>

        On Nov 22, 2016 00:07, "Matt Barber" < 
<>> wrote:

            Hi list; thanks for a wonderful PdCon (to Stevens and NYU people 

            I had a quick chat with Miller after the "future of Pd" discussion. I told 
him there is one feature I've heard Pd users ask for many times: a "clear" method for 
[delwrite~]. A [delwrite~] resize method is something I've heard brought up a number of times as 
well, but I didn't mention it.

            Each of these has a runtime cost that could disrupt the realtime 
dsp calculation. Clearing a [delwrite~] is a linear-time operation, and for 
long delay lines it could cause audio dropouts; resizing is more problematic 
because it's not clear what to do with samples already in the delay line – 
probably it would need to be cleared as well, which would take even more time 
(although there is already an indirect resize function when sample rate is 

            On the other hand, Pd arrays can be resized and cleared (const 0) 
ad libitum, which is more or less the same operation. We usually tell users 'do 
this at your own risk when computing audio.'

            So what is the main difference? I think it's that [delwrite~] is a 
tilde object that is supposed not to cause dropouts on its own. If clearing it 
could cause a dropout, there are reasons for thinking of that as a bug rather 
than simply a risk.

            Is there a compromise procedure? We could add an option to spread the clearing out over time. For 
instance "clear 5000" would mean "clear the delay line over the next 5000 ms." A second 
argument would let the user choose whether to preferentially preserve the most recent samples or the oldest 
samples. Given only a time argument, default would be to preserve oldest samples (less work has to be done 
overall since the write pointer would also be filling the line with zeroes). Without a time argument (i.e. 
"clear" with no arguments), the default would be to clear it immediately with the understanding 
that there could be a possible dropout.

            A broader topic for another time would be "what Pd operations are/should 
be realtime, and which are best at load time?"



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