The textfile has only two "string" by lines.
Here, 20 lines of the textfile :

345594 577427
345594 567267
345594 528911
345594 534435
345594 523087
345595 374384
345595 377303
345595 380544
345595 379911
345595 557020
345595 552396
345595 562487
345595 460842
345595 428449
345595 424095
345596 447676
345598 579883
345598 379495
345598 379039
345598 380328


Le 21/03/2017 à 19:14, Jack a écrit :
> Hello,
> I need to find every lines of a textfile containing a word.
> The textfile has 2.539.592 lines.
> Now, i am using [msgfile] from zexy because i can find a line, skip a
> line and find again ... until the end of the textfile.
> But, i am wondering if there is an other object (in an other library)
> faster, specialized in this work ?
> Thanx.
> ++
> Jack
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