> On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 2:48:36 PM EST, Alexandre Torres Porres 
> <por...@gmail.com> wrote: 
 Em ter., 2 de mar. de 2021 às 16:26, Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com> 

Pd-l2ork 1.0 has tooltips

> hmm, but how does it work?
By fetching the data from `[pd META]` subpatches in help patches, which is the 
same across abstractions, binary externals, and internal classes.

> Does it show the symbol from an inlet argument?
Nope. I knew one *could* abuse inlet(~)/outlet(~) to write descriptions of the 
data flowing, but I didn't know until last week that anyone was actually using 
it to do that in practice.

I'd strongly advise investigating a way to implement tooltips that is more 
robust-- one that handles cases for externals as well as showing a general 
description when mousing over the main rectangle of an object.

Otherwise you'll end up with something like Cascading Style Sheets where the 
data for tips is scattered all over the place, or tooltip data in one place 
overrides tooltip data in another, etc.


> If so, there is in fact a version of Pd that implements this.
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