Ahem, I should have guessed that...

The question now is how to have both versions run happily side by side? On the 64-bit version I did find zexy (but some other libraries I searched for, including my own, neuralnet, were not available - not a surprise for my own, I haven't compiled it for the 64-bit version), but installing it through deken, breaks compatibility with the 32-bit version (I guess it overrides it). So when I open the 32-bit version, zexy is no longer available. If I install it through deken from the 32-bit Pd, then it's not available for the 64-bit Pd.

Another question is, how to compile externals for 64-bit Pd? I would like to offer [neuralnet] for this version too.

On 12/6/23 09:33, Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Wed, 2023-12-06 at 09:25 +0200, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
This might be obvious, but how is the 64-bit version launched? I
installed Pd from Debian backports, but I can't see any pd64 or
puredata64 executable on my system.

puredata64 is shipped with package puredata64:

apt-get install puredata64


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