Sid commented:
Am I wrong to be offended?

> Hi all:
> Here's a critique I received in my mailbox today regarding my PUG
> "You have forever fixed yourself into 'amateur" status by telling us how
> difficult this shot was.  With a 35mm and maybe a 135mm lens it's a snap
> (so to speak)."
> And this person followed it up in a separate email with:
> "The yellow green cast doesn't help much."
> And to top it off, he titled his letter to me as: "Daddy@stupidtitle"

> Perhaps I'm too sensitive.


I got a similar email, mine was a bit funnier and less caustic than yours.
I don't mind what I got,
and I responded to him in kind, but what he said to you, and the manner in
which he said it, leaves a
lot to be desired.  We could send him some of our less wonderful pictures as
attachments and see if he'd
offer any more constructive criticism...100 or 150 pictures might keep him
busy for a few days..

I'd forget about it unless similar nastiness occurs again.


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