William Robb wrote:

>     I have made a few minor changes to the submission rules and
> requirements page. (http://pug.komkon.org/general/submit.html).
> The changes affect guidlines 2 and 6. Please take the time to
> refamiliarize yourselves with the guidlines, especially with
> regards to file sizes and names, image dimensions and
> information for the gallery pages (I guess that is just about
> the entire guidlines page).
> Thanks to all who participate in the PUG.
> Bill

1: A JPEG format file, preferably under 75K in size. In order to manage displays files 
will be resized to fit - a maximum
dimension of 600 pixels on the longest axis. wide.  < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
-Superfluous word, Bill
Doing this yourself would be helpful. Images that exceed these dimensions will be 
re-sized or compressed.  For help
processing your image, see Rob Studdert's Pentax Users Gallery Image Preparation page.

2: Naming your image: Please use only alpha/numeric characters for your filename. Do 
not use any special characters, as
the server rejects most of them. Please limit
filenames to less than 8 characters, excluding the extension. The file extension must 
be ".jpg" (without the quotations)

Mac and Win 98 users will not like having to play to the lowest common denominator in 
naming their files using the 8.3
scheme of Days of DOS. I know I don't, as JoMAC.

Example Image: horsehockey.jpg

Horsehockey.jpg does not comply. with #2!

Thank for all the work you're doing. Gotta get my flatbed scanner hooked up again, and 
fire up my new/used Nikon LS-2000
and learn how to use it.

JoMac, Imagineering Head
Image * I * Nation, the creative division of RMG Services NW
"A fool and his money are soon parted."    Now how do I get it back?

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