That brings back memories.  Years and years ago when I first started in
photography I had to take a picture of a store front for an advertising client.
 To get the sun right, it had to be shot in the afternoon in the middle of
rush hour.  I set up a view camera with an exposure of 1/100sec.  As I recall,
10 multiple exposures at 1/1000sec was right on and there was no traffic. 
You're on the right track.

On Fri, 09 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> The things one thinks about while stuck in traffic:
> Use a very slow film and, perhaps, a ND or Pol filter, and make
> a long time exposure of a busy street which would then show no
> people or traffic, as  they'd be moving too fast to register on
> the film. Some streets or roads would look very strange devoid
> of people and cars.
> What other unusual photo ideas can you come up with?
> -- 
> Shel Belinkoff

Kenneth Archer + San Antonio, Texas
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