Doug wrote:

> Let the whining begin.

This comment is needlessly offensive. If people are disappointed by the lack
of features they need, it is not "whining."

Speaking for myself, I understand perfectly well that people who shoot
slides may not be disappointed by a 92% finder. I shoot black-and-white
negative film, however, and print it full-frame, and have been doing so for
19 years now, and "slide-mount viewfinders" are not ideal for this. It's the
primary reason I don't shoot Leica R. The prediction on this list had been
for a 98% viewfinder in the new camera (good enough), and, since the ZX-5N's
viewfinder constitutes my principal complaint about that camera, this had
seemed promising.

Pentax used to understand the importance of a good viewfinder with high
magnification and good coverage. Especially for compact cameras, the MX and
the ME-Super are very good in this respect. I'm told the LX has a great
viewfinder as well. The fact that the MZ-S has a 92%, .75 finder makes it
into a very fancy, very capable consumer-grade snapshot camera for me. I
don't need to be convinced that others will see it differently. I know they

I have absolutely no need for mirror lock-up, but I understand that for some
peoples' work it is extremely important. If they express concern about this
feature on the new camera, is it not whining. It means it's a feature they
need for their photographic work and it's important to them.


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