You've got it all wrong...... It is just a plot against you.... Just like
there is an illuminati promoting a new world order, there is a secret
society that has taken over the photographic industry.... You see the
descendants of all the master photographers from history past have just been
throwing roadblocks in anyone interested in photography for years.... Why,
you ask? Why to keep those HUGE royalties from their forebearers
retrospectives pouring in..... And don't forget about the abundant $$$ they
get from liscence sales to Coke or Pepsi.... If they let any of you ever
take a picture that was good enough to be printed in a magazine thier empire
would crumble..... Why do you think point and shoots are made? You got it,
to discourage as many as possible from entering the hobby. Think of the
millions of people duped into thinking that you could get good results from
a P&S only produce out of focus, poorly exposed pictures with red eye in
every frame making the family reunion look like a trip to hell. And with APS
you get all that on a smaller neg to make it look even worse... Digital, the
new revolution. HA! Just more of the plot. Who will ever respect a format
that you can modify digitally??? I mean real photographers would never
modify color or exposure during the printing process... Sacrilage! And your
prints come out on a PRINTER that uses ink.. Ink is what the FBI and CIA use
to fix up the photos of people who piss em off... And you all are doomed to
the 92% coverage 75% magnification viewfinder... No one, I mean no one can
possibly take a descent photograph with that.. Not even by accident! You'll
try, oh how you'll try... Kodak, Ilford, and Agfa will be to gain, and of
course the money will keep rolling in to the blue bloods of photography's

What can you conclude from the above?
A) I need a vacation...
B) I am bored....
C) I am promoting the conspiricy thru FUD...
D) All of the above....


Douglas E Harmon

From: William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

:     So, when we whine about a mere 92% viewfinder, be aware that
: the alternative would be to whine about a camera that might have
: a street price of more than double, with the same overall
: feature set. That 8% loss of finder accuracy is what allows them
: to build a camera that is priced in such a way as to sell in
: sufficient numbers to make it worthwhile to build it.
: William Robb

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