<< >  I would say generally that mirrors are never quite going to perform 
 > regular lenses, however if you can provide a stable platform that will 
 > considerably. 
 You know, I've seen this opinion expressed many times.  It's a very
 common opinion within photographic circles.  I've even fallen under its
 spell, though I have no experience with "mirror" lenses. >>

Doug. In my experience they seem to lack contrast. Also I think folks with 
less photographic experience than those here might be tempted to use the lens 
hand held - given the low weight that is a likely possibility. Then there's 
the cumulative effect of hand holding a lens of (relatively) limited 

I have used the Canon 500mm F8 (FD), Nikon 2000mm F11, Sigma 600mm F8, Tamron 
350 and 500mm SP lenses. 

The nice thing about the Tamrons is (somebody else made this point) the great 
close focus.

Kind regards


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