On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 18:03:55 -0500
"Doug Franklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 15:39:11 +0100, Thomas Heide Clausen wrote:
> > > > they'd rather make a lover profit than no profit atall.
> > >                        ^^^^^
> > > You sure have a closer relationship with your "photo pusher"
> > > than I have! :-)
> > Hehe....well cought, Doug. That's what us non-native english
> > speakers get from speaking up.
> Boy, I hope that didn't come across as a shot at you!  We all make
> typos.  I just like pointing them out when they're funny.

Nahh, not atall. Besides, just take all the verbal shots at me you
like :)

> > Paris France.....the city of romance and decadence. Worse things
> > are know to happen here, I'll have you know. 
> Please ... I think I'd rather not know. :-)


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