I personally think that winter and bad weather is the best moment to test
very saturated color films like Ultra 100 or Portra UC.
In summer colors are allready saturated enough and I prefer to use soft
color films like Portra NC or Reala.

I ran my first two rolls of Ultra 100 this week-end, deep into the forest
then on the atlantic shore by an awful weather : windy, rainy and with an
almost black sky.

The results will be interesting because the light was real crappy and flat
at the beginning (working at f/2 - f/2.8, 1/60)  and finally the sun came up
from behind the clouds and with the sand of the beach I ended the roll
shooting at f/8 1/250.

I am not a color neg fan but I'll post my first impressions on ultra 100
when I get the prints this week.

Thibault Grouas.

« gfen » <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, Bruce Dayton wrote:
>> So, to actually talk about something on topic for a bit.  I just
>> recently received from B&H some Kodak Portra 400 UC and some Agfa
>> Ultra 100.  I haven't had a chance to shoot either one yet but was
>> curious if anyone else has any reports
> As did I, but this isn't the season to be testing any exciting colour
> film. :)

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