Anton Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>An earlier reply seems to suggest that a dead meter is not 
>repairable, I don't know about that, perhaps you could ring 
>a service facility and ask.

Note that both KXs I've worked on had identical symptoms. Since I verified
that the problem with the meter was neither the photocells nor the
galvanometer, that pretty much leaves the electronic circuitry on the meter
board (which *is* getting power from the battery). The only active component
I can find is a 10-pin surface-mount IC. If it's an op-amp I'll probably be
able to come up with a replacement as long as I can determine the pinout. If
it's an ASIC then the show's over. I suspect the former but havenlt
investigated yet. 

The markings on the chips are "NEC 1005E593A" on one camera and "NEC
1005K572B" on the other. NEC is the manufacturer, 1005 is the chip
designation and the last 4 characters are probably some kind of
manufacturing code. 

Anyone have access to a semiconductor database to find out more about a
"1005" chip made by NEC in a 10-pin SOIC package?

I've seen an awful lot of KXs for sale on eBay that either admit the meter's
not working or coyly say "I don't have batteries so I can't test the meter.
Sold as is." More than for any other Pentax model. 

If it *is* the IC and I can find a substitute, I may buy a few and re-sell

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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