>The do not "officially" monitor this list. Therefore, what you are asking is
>silly. Some of us on the list know people who work for Pentax. We know what
>they say. However, I can almost guaranty they if you post a question to
>Pentax on this list, it will not be answered.

All companies that have press and public relations departments ensure 
that press clippings and relevant reaction is catalogued and filtered for 
use by market research and others within. Of course, it depends on the 
size and disposition of said PR Dept as to how far they go in gaining 
reaction and from what source, and how far they take it. I know for a 
fact that various personnel working for Pentax in various parts of the 
world have been known to monitor the list, whether through choice or 
instruction, and whether through their own research or through being 
provided with the relevant info. I won't back up my claim (for obvious 
reasons) with any hard evidence, you'll just have to trust me on that, or 
not. It should not be any great surprise. After all, knowledge is power, 

I wouldn't place too high a priority on this as a hotline to the top 
Pentax brass though :-)



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