I wrote: "It's one of only two manual-focus 300/4 or 300/4.5 K-mount lenses
that I know of that has a reasonably close focus (2.5 m) AND a tripod mount.
The other is the multicoated Soligor 300/4.5 PKA (which weighs just 740 g,
and uses 72mm filters)."

To clarify: I don't know how closely the Soligor focuses. 

Also, there appear to be two Soligor 300/4.5s. The Tele Auto (72mm filter)
was introduced in 1977 for $199. The Auto Compact--evidently, its
replacement--was introduced in 1978 for $255. If the Tele Auto weighed 740
g, as my records state, I can't imagine how the Auto Compact could weigh any
less. Perhaps, like the Pentax 300/4M* and A*, the Auto Compact omits the
tripod ring.

One of these is for sale for $165 at 

(96713 USED PENTAX MT PK SOLIGOR 300 4.5 $165.00) 

That's an incredibly low price for a multicoated, autodiaphragm K-mount


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