I can't agree more, and have been telling everyone I know not to buy digital yet unless they want to spend a lot of money on a Pro camera. And even then look out.A Pro friend of mine bought one, an expensive Nikon. He now regrets having sold his darkroom equipment. He has to send any MF work out to a lab. He has a Nikon neg scanner and colour printer but is limited in paper size. The Nikon camera had a bug in it's firmware, which Nikon Canada was a) unaware of. b) denied the problem existed c) could not have cared less about it. They did eventually contacted Japan and asked them to look into it.
Even the most expensive digital cameras have to think for a  second or so before taking a shot. Something that in my mind, makes them dubious for portraits, action shot etc.  
Just my 3 pence worth.

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