> This may not prove much.  One print compared, paper not optimal,
> etc, etc, etc.  But I would have thought, based on what I've
> read, that the 6-color HP would trounce the 3-color Lexmark on
> any turf, any shot, any paper.


Two thoughts:
Papers make a huge difference.

You probably optimize your files for the printer you've been using.

Oh, and a third thought: sometimes the printer-computer interface is pure
necromancy. Little spirits flit from one to the other invisibly,
untraceably. I once brought home an Epson C80 which I couldn't get a halfway
decent print out of no matter what I tried or what I did. I mean nothing
close to acceptable, not just slightly worse. I was comparing it to an
ultra-cheapie Lexmark Z22 I got as a freebie when I bought my computer. Who
knows why? I never figured it out.

My Canon S800 works just fine. Easily surpasses the old Lexmark.

So if the HP doesn't work for you, don't bang your head against the wall too
long. Just take it back, and put a tickmark in the "win" column for the


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