Sorry about the MX.  The general feeling around here is
that used MXen have often really been USED... a lot.

-Lon, who has been luckier buying MXen but will not buy
them sight unseen.  I like to fondle before purchasing.
No smart remarks, please.... grin.

Bob Keefer wrote:
> Hi folks:
> Well, the bargain MX from KEH proved not such a bargain after all -- the
> meter was all over the map, the shutter lock didn't work, and the shutter
> fired if you looked at it funny. So I sent it back. Still a nice camera, in
> less trashed versions.
> I hope everyone out there in Pentax land is having a wonderful Christmas. I
> don't contribute as much as I would like to this discussion, but I truly
> enjoy reading people's posts. It's an odd, eclectic, and international
> group, the likes of which you seldom find anywhere.
> Bob Keefer

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