>My guess would be something like this for film cameras...
>Because the camera gets to 1/1,000 or 1/4,000 of a second exposure by 
>using a narrower and narrower slit that travels across the face of the 
>film (1st to 2nd shutter curtain distance), I would pulse the flash.  Say 
>I used 200 (or 2,000) pulses of flash in that 1/4,000 of a second.  I 
>could get about any exposure I wanted and the illumination would end up 
>being even because I fired the flash when the slit was at the top of the 
>film and at the bottom and everywhere in between.  Kind of a strobe, but 
>very fast.  I wouldn't have to get the mechanical parts to be perfect, 
>there could be some slop in when the flash started and ended.  Just so 
>long as the flash was pulsing when the slit first opened until it finally 

That sounds a perfectly good explanation to me. I'll buy it. You take 



Oh, swipe me! He paints with light!
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