Hi all.
Spent the better part of the day with Jeff,visiting 3 Toronto camaera 
clerk very 
smug)Henrys(little more friendler)and Downtown Camera(maybe a tad nicer than Henrys
guy)were i 
wanted to look at som MF equipment and a few Nikons 35mm.
Jeff was kind enough to go with me,help ask the questions while i played:)I though i 
it narrowed 
down BUT NO<g>Looked at Bronica SQ , Bronica RF645 and the Fuji GS645.Also looked at an
90X and 
thought about looking at a F4,but its scarier than the D1:)
Each had its thing i liked so chosing now is going to be harder.Arghhhh.I can see how 
grips would 
improve holdability on the 6x6 and 645 bodies.I liked the finder in the SQ and the 
seemed clear 
and focused nicely.
The one camera i did like was the Bronica RF 645.Very nice finder and feel,price justa 
to much.
I would have bought the Fuji gs645 if it was still on boxing day prices but no.$730 Can
was more than 
what i wanted.

So the search continues.One thing i did notice was a lot of Bronica used for sale and 
Hassy,Mamiya and Pentax.

Why do camera salesmen treat prospective buyers with i know more than you attitudes.I
doubt i'll go 
back for anything at Visteck.Henrys probably,Downtown Camera probably too:)

Thanks for letting me type


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