Please don't turn this into a negative thread.
I have changed the subject line to create a new "positive and informative" 
discussion for those interested in furthering their knowledge of composition. 
I originally was going to respond to Mike's "Chicken????" request with a list 
of what I consider are good guidelines to follow when it comes to making an 
image. In the end, I decided I no longer want to carry on this discussion in 
its present form. (I may do something on my Web site in the future) I do, 
however, maintain that composition and the "making" of a photograph to be 
extremely useful. 
Therefore I thought I would list a few books that I have found very helpful 
in creating thoughtful, creative, artistic images.

Really the best books I have read, and can I add that most who have read them 
agrees, are a series of books by Canadian photographer Freeman Patterson.

The first book: Photography & the art of seeing is exceptional. Some of the 
chapter headings: 
Learning to observe (thinking sideways, Exercises in chance, familiar things, 
Being flexible.)
Learning to Imagine (The mind's eye, exercising your imagination)
Abstracting and selecting
Learning to Express
Unique properties of photography
How a camera sees space
Thinking about visual design
Elements of visual design: form
Light, Light and shape, Light and texture, Light and line, light and 
perspective, perspectives and other variables
Elements of visual design: colour
Principals of visual design

His other books include 
Photography for the Joy of it
With chapters on Learning to see
Discipline, properties of light, directions of light, exposures, sysmbols and 
Making pictures
The importance of using your camera, experimenting with selective focus....

The final book (although he has others) is Photography of Natural Things
This is my favourite but it's geared to those who like to make pictures in 

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