When I entered university I had an omnivorous appetite for learning. I
wasted a lot of time with stuff like Geography and Psychology on top of the
basic sciences. Geography suddenly paid dividends, half way through my first
year. The professor saw my maps and I was commissioned to draw for the
department - for money. Not much its true, but it was a great help. Later I
wrote an illustrated article and the publisher contacted me. Soon I was
drawing for them as well. This time for much more money. These were small
line drawings of the kind one sees in journals and text books in the
biological sciences. Several thousand of my painstakingly drawn marine
animals - worms, wheel animalcules and other lower invertebrates, arthropods
including crustaceans, copepods, fungi, protozoa and the rest were in print
by the time I graduated. I was so occupied with these extra curricular
activities that I was hard pressed to find the time to study. A single
detailed drawing, three inches square, could take half a day.

But I'll get to the point: Am I a cartographer because I drew beautiful maps
in five colours, once, long ago? Am I an 'artist' or 'draughtsman' because I
was once able to produce saleable pictures of biological specimens? Am I a
'photographer' because the same publisher commissioned me to take all the
pictures of flowering plants for a series of books. All done on 35 mm with
Plus-X by the way.

Plus-X was the only film I used - for almost everything. I tried them all
and found it the easiest to manipulate by changing processing conditions. I
could get high contrast for publication and less contrasty negatives for
portraits by changing exposure time and time and concentration of the only
B&W developer I used - Rodinal. I rated Plus-X at 360 for portraiture and 50
for reproduction.

My contention is that I ~may~ have been an 'Artist', a 'Cartographer', a
'Photographer' a 'News Stringer ' or one of quite a number of things, at one
time or another - but does  this entitle me to call myself one of these for
the rest of my life. Nope! Right now I think I ~may~ still be a photographer
because I take pictures ~and~ an Author because I write - both for money and
for fun.

And, by the way, in my drawings where more than one object was depicted I
followed no 'rules' of composition that I knew. I shoved them in any way
they fit. Or so I believed until a few moments ago when I took out a volume
entitled 'Animal Life in SA' and found that one of my drawings at least,
'Mating Earthworms', obeys the rule of thirds.

Aaaaargh! I give up.


Dr E D F Williams

Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002

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