Of course.
Your comments are why there are so many choices of zoom lenses out there!
I feel the same restrictions, but I'd feel even more with a stock 50mm
lens. On both ends...
I suppose a very good 28-105 would be a LOT closer to my more usual
needs, but even if I could find one, I might well find it a
compromise. A little too big, a little too heavy and a lot too much money...

Most likely there is no perfect lens for "most situations." Trouble
is, we can always think of new situations that slightly exceed the
current lens capability.  ;^)


Fred wrote:
> > I always used to use the zooming with my feet technique, but found
> > my diminishing nimbleness and creaky knees preclude a lot of the
> > very akward positions I used to get into when I was gathering
> > photos on site... This little [35-70] zoom goes a long ways toward
> > making that a pleasant pastime again!
> Actually I find that a 35-70 zoom is a little constricting - I often
> want it to go a little longer here, or a little wider there, etc.
> Because of that, I still end up "zooming with my feet" somewhat.
> However, the ability to do some framing/cropping by zooming with the
> lens does cut down a bit on the footwork - i.e., I still have to
> "zoom with my feet" a bit to get approximately in the right place,
> but then I let the zoom lens take over for the final framing (as
> opposed to footwork followed by some "touch-up footwork").

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