> I'm with you Fred.  [Zoom] Convenience often wins out...

Perhaps, Vic, although for me it is not always just laziness:

I think that a good zoom is a useful substitute for prime lenses
under some conditions.  It's not always laziness that keeps me from
"zooming with my feet" for framing:  Sometimes the speed of zooming
(as opposed to having to move my whole body around) to cope with
fast framing changes can make the difference in getting a good shot
at just the right instant.  Or, switching, say, from an 85 to a 135
can take agonizingly long seconds at times.  Also, a lot of the
informal portraits I shoot sometimes have to be done in somewhat
crowded rooms, where moving around too much can be counterproductive
to getting ~candid~ shots.  I find that people can often get used to
(or, at least, resigned to) having someone taking a series of photos
(even flash photos) once the first 2 or 3 are taken, just as long as
the shooter isn't constantly blundering around like the proverbial
bull in a china shop.

Of course, sometimes it ~is~ just laziness...


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