On 8 Jan 2003 at 17:24, Dr E D F Williams wrote:

> It does not matter how noisy a signal is, if the information is there it can be
> retrieved. In Electron Microscopy the images are often terribly noisy. For
> ordered structures Fourier transforms, rotational symmetry, or a combination of
> methods is useful. I have programs to do things like that and if I can find a
> decent electron micrograph of a virus I'll try to prepare some images that
> illustrate the cleaning of an image. Image processing can be done in real time
> on an optical bench, but its more difficult.

Ah, yes but this type of processing is designed to to enhance visibility, 
however it doesn't necessarily preserve fidelity. Your example would be similar 
to applying a broad band audio signal to a narrow band pass filter in order 
that a voice signal be rendered more audible with a loss of all out of band 
information. This is not what we are talking about WRT high performance optical 
sensor performance limitations and post processing.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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