Pål Jensen wrote:
> Henry wrote:
> > From expertise point of view, Casio appears to compliment well with Pentax.
> > One is an experienced manufacturer for consumer electronics product but they
> > know nothing about optical design.  Pentax has declared their intention on
> > shifting their camera line to digital which they don't have a strong R&D
> > basis in electronics.  Pentax must have obtained some backing and support in
> > electronics before making such a bold statement.
> Almost certainly Casio is providing the digital hardware, Pentax the rest.
> > The EXILIM digital camera series of Casio is a big hit in Japan which
> > outsell Sony's Cybershot U series, and people are just realizing that this
> > is a joint effort between Casio and Pentax.
> Almost certainly designed and manufactured by Pentax.
Does anyone have any idea how I can find out who made the fine lens in
my Epson PhotoPC 750Z?
It just says, "Epson Digital Camera Lens" and f = 5.2-15.6mm  1:2.8-4.7.

It's got some lovely reflections, like later SMC lenses! Deep purple,
grayish purple and amber highlights...

Just curious...

keith whaley

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