> Marketing BS.

There is a perception that Pentax can't design a
computer system in any of their cameras.  The reality
is that, they can and they did.  As for chip
fabrication, they don't have the means to do so, hence
they sometimes contract out the work to Casio or
Hitachi which happens to make boring parts for their
other cameras as well.    Casio's field expertise in
making small computers is no doubt well known,
expecially with their FX-720P (a calculator/pocket
computer combo).   Some zoom compact cameras made by
Pentax had parts made not only by Casio, but by Sanyo,
Hitachi, Matshushita, Mabuchi, Seiko and Copal.  Just
because Pentax is working with Casio on the digital
doesn't mean that Pentax is merging with them.  If
they do, why not say Pentax is merging with all of the
other companies?  

>   but because the level of compactness
> > of the camera itself.  This means, all of the
> > functions inside the camera needs to be controlled
> by
> > the main CPU, while most of the sub-functions are
> > controlled by their relative ASICs (Application
> > Specific Integrated Circuits).  ASIC is also being
> > used in the Optios to convert the analog input of
> the
> > CCD chip into digital, therefore making the CCD
> chip
> > brand used irrelevant. 
> > 
> Not really.   Stuff hard coded into an ASIC will be
> very sensor 
> dependant.   The reason this is all done inside an
> ASIC is twofold:
> - Size
> - Cheapest to manufacture for volume consumer
> electronics.

That's exactly what I meant.  CCD chip brand is
irrelevant because once Pentax sources out a CCD chip
for the model, they tend to stick with it.  In fact,
sourcing parts for digitals is easier than sourcing
parts for a 35mm compact, where a maker is required to
stock parts for up to 7 years, some up to 10 for
service repairs.

All makers make digitals on a quota basis.  They will
either only make a camera on the need to sell basis or
make a specified number of them.  With a number in
mind, they can source out a reliable CCD chip
manufacturer for the best possible price vs
performance based on quantity purchase.  A maker must
also rely on the CCD chip manufacturer's ability to
deliver parts on time and be able to do so in the
forseeable future for future models.  The maker's
dependence on the supplier's reputation to provide the
necessary parts is key to deciding on what Pentax will
A Pentax rep tech had told me that they will not treat
a CCD chip like some holy grail that some CCD chip
manufacturers like to portray themselves in the
consumer magazines.  A CCD chip is just one part of
the many hundreds to thousands of parts in a digital
camera.  The consumer will past judgement on how good
the pictures are from a Pentax digital.  And so far,
the Optios are doing great and have very few returns
and I have every confidence that their DSLR will do
the same.


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