Needless to say. 
I'm a goof :)

More sleep needed

Original Message:
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:32:13 -0500
Subject: ME Super

Hi Bill,

I'm looking for an ME Super body. 
I'm not too concerned about the winder since I have other gear that I would
use if I needed speedy shots.

If you have a spare ME Super Body that works and is in good condition I'd
be willing to discuss.

The problem being of course is $$$.
I could probably afford $60 US
I'm not sure if this is even in your ballpark or not.  I'm not too familiar
with costs for ME Super bodies - the K1000's are pretty pricey but I know
these are usually over and above what they may be worth.

Basically I'm just looking for a body to use with the 50mm SMC-M 1.4 that I
have(I sold my pentax bodies and still had this lens left back - and all
you pentax guys make me want to get at least one body and one camera back
into service) :-)

Let me know what you think,
THanks a ton,

P.S. failing this.. I'll continue to hunt Ebay.

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