
I guess I can give you a preliminary report on comparing Elements to
Picture Window Pro.  I haven't done everything (that I do) yet, but at
least for the simple basics they seem to compare quite favorably.

The differences are minor - Cropping is still a minor bit easier with
Picture Window but not by much.  Elements seems slightly better at
resizing down - at least sharpening wasn't as needed after.

Obviously the interfaces are different.  Can't say one is clearly
superior to the other, just different.  I suspect that once you get
past the simpler things (crop, sizing, sharpening, color correction,
cloning, etc) then some more differences might start showing up.

If/when I run into them, I'll make more comments.  Anyway, Elements is
not as bad as I remember once giving it another open minded try.


Monday, January 13, 2003, 3:05:52 PM, you wrote:

>> You've gotta change the setting right next to the
>> width and height boxes to fixed aspect ratio. Then,
>> you can fill in the values. But where do you go from
>> there? The image remains unchanged and the subsequent
>> crops aren't fixed to that aspect ratio.

MJ> Huh? Yes they are. I have Elements v.1.0, and on my program, you click on
MJ> the crop tool (third down on the left in the toolbox, the overlapping "L"
MJ> brackets) and in the bar at the top, boxes for width, height, and resolution
MJ> appear. If you fill in "6" for width and "4" for height, for example, the
MJ> crop tool automatically maintains a 4x6 ratio however large or small you
MJ> make it and wherever you place it on the image. Furthermore, the next time
MJ> you hit the crop tool, the same values will be remembered unless you click
MJ> the "clear" command next to them.

MJ> You can make the crop box larger, smaller, move it around, or rotate it with
MJ> simple mouse clicks.

MJ> --Mike

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