Here comes part three.
Now we're approaching what I meant by the subject line.

I got this film scanner last week. I have been scanning a lot of very
old as well as recent rolls and frames.
Quite a few times I have stopped just to watch some picture that I
never really seen before, other than as a neg or in a b&w contact
sheet. You know the feeling when you find or have made a copy that you
are very satisfied with. Inother words, it has been a rewarding
experience to get real access to your photos directly from the

Anyway, as I reported some time ago, I was offered to do an exhibition
during an upcoming jazz festival in February, that I am also working
It was more or less made clear (or at least said that probably) some
sort of funds would come
to my disposal.
However, this involved me sending an application to the town's
"cultural department" asking for some money. I got some advice, or
even practical assistance in doing so, since I really don't know the
routines nor what formalities, budget calculations were supposed top
go along with it. Well, the one in charge of it all - head of the
town's "cultural department" - who also was the one asking mein the
first place, helped me out and practically directed me what to put in
my application. I just went along and said sure, that sounds great,
can one do that? etc..
I happen to mention that I probably had at least fifty rolls of
undeveloped film that I couldn't afford to get developed from the last
couple of years. So he put this in the application too, 50 rolls of
film at xx$$....
Anyway, tonight the board in charge considered my application and
guess what!? They granted me around $$1.500 to cover my expenses for
the exhibition (including development of the films I had mentioned).
This is not all. This man, "head of town's cultural affairs", also
firmly suggest I also apply for an Aland "state"grant for another
$$1.500 just to make sure my photos will be shown at another jazz
festival in summer...

Now - and this is where the subject line gets in - if one gets such a
grant to do an exhibition, it's got to mean at least something, like
there must be at least something to my pictures that takes me to all
this money.
Please tell me so, or is it possible they are all in lack of better
(It was required too that I submitted a number of "workproofs", which
in my case consisted of some twenty ordinary 10x15cm prints,
completely un(re)touched by me....)

I really have a hard time realizing all this. Lately my finances have
been so poor I almost stopped shooting, other than the already paid
for assignments.
Someone seemingly really must like me.
(Pity it's not a nude model wannabe though, but you can't expect it
all to happen at once, now can you...

(There actually is an other amusing photographer's tale to be told
behind all this, but it will have to be another time.
It actually all seems to have it's origin at an instance about a year
ago (which I partly reported on to the list), when I was forced (by
financial difficulties, as my regular Pentax AF equipment was locked
in a pawn shop) to do a couple of day's assignment on my only back up
gear: a total of $$20 system consisting of an old manual Chinon,
literally falling to pieces, one 50mm lens and a no name $3 flash...)
I really seem to have made good use of that 50mm, don't I.

Really funny, ain't it, in retrospect.

Thanks all for reading all this. Just felt I had to tell you.

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