> I do know however that if Michael Reichmann has that much money
> invested in
> digital equipment ($9,000 is the USD price - up here that EOS 1Ds is going
> for $13,000 CDN) it's easy for people to think that his viewpoint may be a
> bit skewed.
> It's a bit akin to stating that SUV's are the best vehicles on the road
> while being the owner of Exxon/Mobil.
> Just an opinion and nothing more,
> Dave

This reminds me of the arguments some people have against owning
a high end stereo music system.

People buy particular equipment BECAUSE it's good, they
dont buy it first and then decide it must be good because they
bought it.

I wouldnt doubt in the least that a high end 35mm digital
camera can exceed medium format with film. The lenses in
medium format are not as good in actual lines/mm as the
best ones in 35mm optics. In my experience, the biggest
gains in medium format with film over 35mm with film is
grain reduction, with the increase in overall resolution
coming in second in terms overall visual improvement.

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