----- Original Message -----
From: "John Glover
Subject: Re: MZ-S Is It Worth It !

> Odd how they could select the Minolta as the
winner..........it does make you wonder about the reviews.

    I have long thought that camera reviews will be biased
towards the camera with the most "features". When accessing said
features is a Byzantine nightmare of button pushing and dial
twiddling (Minolta has a particularly bad reputation for this
sort of foolishness) that gets in the way of actually using the
camera, then the feature set is pretty useless.
Probably the biggest fiasco of a feature set I have ever seen
was the Canon EOS 10, which came with a little booklet of
pictures. Below each picture was a barcode. The idea was that
you could look through the picture book until you found one that
looked like what you were photographing, scan the barcode with a
supplied "pen", and transfer an information set to the camera
via an infra red data link, which would, I suppose, then set the
shutter speed and aperture to an appropriate exposure
combination based on an EV reading. I envisioned hoards of
people at tourist traps looking through their little picture
book, trying to find a picture that was right, until the light
had changed, and they were back to looking through their stupid
little book again.
    A camera with good build quality and a feature set that
doesn't need constant reference to the owners manual for
operation will go a lot further to satisfy my needs than a
zillion focus points and 47 exposure programs. I can still do a
few things for myself.
William Robb

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