Mike Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> But is there any reason that down the road, in a few years when things have
>> settled down a bit, that more and more people might buy digital cameras
>> *without* owning a computer? Or without being highly computer literate if they
>> have one? And having their prints developed at a lab, the same as before?
>Not really. In fact this trend has already started. There are several
>printers that can take media directly, and a few accessories that allow
>previewing of pictures for printing without a computer.

I think Kodak has the right approach with their digicam "docking
station". What they need to do next is produce home printers with this
docking station built in (just slide your camera into a slot in the
printer - facing backwards so you can preview the pictures in the
camera's LCD - and print) and even kiosks in photo shops that either
work the same way (choose your pictures and hit print) or just accept
a dump of everything in memory and has prints for you in an hour or
the next day or whatever.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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