> Not everyone is going to love the written word.  Some of us just
> view it as a means to an end.  That's just a fact of life.

Sure, but it's not black and white.  You've actually put your finger
right on it when you say the written word is "a means to an end".
When you write, you write to some reader or readers.  The purpose is
to communicate something to that audience.  If you do not write in
such a way as to manage to communicate that something, you have
failed: your writing was an insufficient means to the desired end.

> Should those people jump through hoops to please those who do care?

Certainly not.  You should jump through whatever hoops you deem it
necessary to jump through in order to achieve what you set out to do:
communicate something to a given audience.  If people misunderstand
your meaning very often, that's a hint that you may need to focus more
on your writing.  A scarcity of responses can be another indication,
although that's less reliable on USENET, where the convention is that
you don't respond to statements you agree with.

Incidentally, I'd say you write very well.  :-)

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway
www.eunet.no  T: +47-22092958 M: +47-93013940 F: +47-22092901

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