Arnold Stark wrote:

> On the 2nd day with our sun we are even more happy and excited. And in
> an hour I will pick up Yuliya and Alexander up at the hospital

Now the fun really begins ;-)
>  > Malcolm Smith schrieb:
>  > Congratulations!A real priority change for you :-)
> Not really a change, just a clarification..... :-)
>  > I look forward to your polls on;
>  > - Best nappies
>  > - Best prams.....
> Those would be very OT, wouldn't they?

Yes <g>.
> However, I do have a question which is on topic, and we can even make it
> some kind of poll:
> I really would like to know everybody's favourite photo gear for taking
> pictures of new born babys.
> So: What camera(s) and lens(es) and (slide/b&w/colour) film(s) would you
> use for taking pictures of a baby just a few days old?

When my three were born, I only had MX bodies and a 50mm f2 lens! For the
hospital shots, I relied on natural light with the pictures being taken by
large windows. Hospital lighting looks weird on film! Those who have home
births have a photographic advantage.

I used slide film (for us) and colour print film to send to family by post,
as at that time hardly any of our family had computers. Family connection
pictures, apart from the obvious ones of new baby with relatives, such as
those that mirror when the parent was the child. As an example, my mother in
law brought down some of the toys my wife had as a baby and they made
splendid pictures.

Take loads of pictures, as they grow so quickly.

My 8 year old cringes at the annual slide show at my house at Christmas,
where relatives make comments along the lines of what a sweet baby/toddler
he was. One of my favourite pictures of my daughter, now 4, was taken when
she was a few months old in the garden where she was getting into trouble
crawling about, whilst my wife hung up the washing. She put her in the empty
washing basket and I rushed to get the camera - it made an outstanding
picture. Keep a camera handy, loaded with film!

OK, not much help to your poll, I'm also looking forward to reading the
replies. Have fun!


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