> However, I do have a question which is on topic, and we can even make
> it some kind of poll:
> I really would like to know everybody's favourite photo gear for
> taking pictures of new born babys.
> So: What camera(s) and lens(es) and (slide/b&w/colour) film(s) would
> you use for taking pictures of a baby just a few days old?

I'd say the real imperative is to get very, very comfortable with your

Your task is very easy at first. There are few more amenable subjects that a
placid, immobile baby in its swaddles, its bassinet, or its mother's arms.

However, as soon as the little tyke discovers his built-in locomotion, the
photographic challenges rise to a whole 'nuther order. <g>  You had better
hone your camera-handling skills towards that day.

Your clock is ticking!   :-)


P.S. Seriously, photographing small children is actually one of the more
demanding of shooting skills, even for pros.

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