Pål Jensen wrote:
> Keith wrote:
> > > But a test whose parameters are in constant flux...
> >
> > What does THAT mean? Oh, I know what a 'constant state of flux' means,
> > but I don't know what YOU mean by the statement.
> I mean that when you are making a test that most people interpret as what is 
>"better" of camera "A" or "B", and the outcome of this test is dependent on other 
>subjects (which are not supposedly tested)... 


>...whose quality are changing at six months intervals. 

I missed something. Where did "6 month intervals" come from? I saw two
cameras hoisted upon two tripods, side by side, presumably for
exposing all at essentially the same time. Not so?

> If youre chaning the scanner or the printer (or even the film) in this test they 
>outcome will change. What then are you really testing?
> It is also weird that some rave about images (originals) with less than 50 lines per 
>mm as being great.

This is the second "where did this come from?" Who/which has
resolution like that? The lens on the Canon?
Beter think on that one. I perceived the Canon as presenting shots
with DEFINITELY better resolution than the Pentax. Not to say, better
shodow detail.
> Pål


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