If that's what you get out of my comments, perhaps you need a little
more sleep.
Or were you commenting on JCO's post?

Either way, I don't think either of us said Pentax 6x7 had bad lenses.
I can't imagine how you derived that from what either of us said...


T Rittenhouse wrote:
> I think I get it now. I didn't realize the Pentax 6x7 had such bad lenses.
> Ciao,
> Graywolf
> http://pages.prodigy.net/graywolfphoto
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Keith Whaley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 8:10 AM
> Subject: Re: What is better? Digital Full Frame against 67
> > Well said, J.C.
> >
> > I wasn't going to jump into this fray, but your first paragraph sets
> > it up for me.
> > I am not an expert in any of the fields, but I can trust my own eyes.
> > I must qualify what I consider "best" of any two or more prints I see.
> >
> > If the color in a digital print is as good (realistic and pleasing) or
> > better than the one made from film, and if the sharpness is
> > demonstrably better (please don't argue fractal images and the myriad
> > methods used to obtain digital sharpness ~ I really don't care), and
> > if the bokeh is as or more pleasing (don't argue with me that digital
> > photos/prints can't HAVE bokeh ~ what I mean is the pleasing quality
> > of the out of focus part of the image), and there is more shadow
> > detail delineated, and all of the long focus stuff (neat technical
> > term, huh?) is easier to tell what it is, way out there...
> >
> > Well, to my eyes, to my perception, it IS better.
> >
> > I really don't care what either operator did between the taking of the
> > photo and my seeing of it.
> > Film OR digital. If one scores better than the other, according to my
> > criteria set out above, no matter which way it goes, then the one *I*
> > like better IS the best one. To me. That shouldn't be hard to understand.
> >
> > So far, images of comparison I've seen make me judge the 1Ds
> > (one-dee-ess) images "better" than whatever has been used for
> > comparison with film.
> >
> > I've paid attention to digital images ever since I've been made aware
> > of them, and up to now I haven't seen any that quite come up to good
> > film images, or especially MF photo images.
> >
> > I think the gauntlet has finally been thrown.
> >
> > Folks are starting to seriously take sides, instead of just having
> > casual opinions...
> >
> > keith whaley
> >
> > * * *
> >
> > "J. C. O'Connell" wrote:
> > >
> > > Based on the JPEG ( not even a tiff ) from kodaks
> > > 14Mpixel SLR, it CERTAINLY beats even the best
> > > 35mm film image, and to my eye, equals or even exceeds
> > > my best P67 images.
> > >
> > > Even if it just equals P67, that gives the 35mm DSLR
> > > a huge enuff advantage to be the winner. Why?
> > > Think about the variety, size, cost & speed of 35mm lenses.
> > >
> > > There are no medium format F1.4 lenses, 28-85
> > > zoom equivilents, 17mm equivilents, 1000mm equivilents,
> > > etc. etc. etc. The size and weight of medium format
> > > lenses is a BIG (no pun) liability, let alone their
> > > cost. Once 35mm DSLRs equal medium format in quality,
> > > the WAR is over....And I think that time may have already
> > > arrived.
> > >
> > > JCO
> >

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