I do not see, how a digital picture taken with a 14Mpixel sensor can beat 35mm film at f=8, i.e. at a total resolution of lens and film of 70 or more line PAIRS/mm
(values that one can easily produce with most Pentax lenses)
36mm*140lines/mm = 5040 lines horizontally
24mm*140lines/mm = 3360 lines vertically
5040lines*3360lines = 169344400 "analogue pixels" (16.15 analogue Megapixels) for EACH colour.


J. C. O'Connell schrieb:

Based on the JPEG ( not even a tiff ) from kodaks
14Mpixel SLR, it CERTAINLY beats even the best
35mm film image, and to my eye, equals or even exceeds
my best P67 images.

Even if it just equals P67, that gives the 35mm DSLR
a huge enuff advantage to be the winner. Why?
Think about the variety, size, cost & speed of 35mm lenses.

There are no medium format F1.4 lenses, 28-85
zoom equivilents, 17mm equivilents, 1000mm equivilents,
etc. etc. etc. The size and weight of medium format
lenses is a BIG (no pun) liability, let alone their
cost. Once 35mm DSLRs equal medium format in quality,
the WAR is over....And I think that time may have already


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