----- Original Message -----
From: "David Brooks"
Subject: Re: RE: Up loaded some pictures(on topic,using Pentax gear)

> I think so too .I use the auto feature in PS6 to do these.
> Is there any way to make the images larger through the PS "web
> gallery" or do i have to manually edeit the html code to add a
> specific dimension(s).

Dave, I thought this one out pretty thoroughly when doing the PUG. If you
specify a size in the html image tag, and then put an image of a different
dimension into the directory, you are forcing the web browser to resize the
image. Most of them don't seem to do it well.
If you put image dimension tags into the html that agree with the image
size, the page will load quite a bit faster because the browser knows, right
from the start how much room to leave on the page for the image when it
What I settled on was no image size tags at all, and give the browser the
image size I wanted it to work with.
You can set up a batch resizing action in Photoshop that will handle the
dreary work of resizing the image files for you.

William Robb

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