Hey there!

I saw the Pentax Lens Gallery and was pleased by the information on it. But then I thougt: "Hey, none of my P-primes are listed" (Well, maybe one of my 50mms is.) If you're interested, I could add test shots (that I should make first) with a 135mm/3.5M lens, with a 100mm/2.8M lens, and a Kiron 105mm Macro P/KA lens. But before shooting myself into bankruptcy, I would like to know if you're interested in these shots.

If so: under what conditions were the other shots taken? Aperture, Auto/manual shutter speed, etc... And: where should I mail the results?

Syb (NL)

Where we still cannot find the evidence films on war crimes in Srebrenica, 1995...! "Lost/severely damaged in the Ministry-of-Defence Lab..."


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