Having just recently succeeded in setting up the Pentax Lens Gallery
on the KOMKON server, I would like to invite - in fact, encourage -
other Pentaxers to now add their own lens images to the PLG.

The new home of the Pentax Lens Gallery (due to the generosity of
KOMKON) is at http://plg.komkon.org/ .

[What a difference one little letter makes - if you type
"http://pug.komkon.org/"; into your browser, you get to see a lot of
creative Pentaxian images each month, but if you instead type in
"http://plg.komkon.org/";, you get to see a lot of very mundane shots
(of boring brick walls, good and bad bokeh, gruesome flare, etc.) -
<g> - but I digress...]

Using the PUG submission guidelines as a starting point (logically,
since both the PUG and the PLG are being hosted by KOMKON, and so
therefore face similar bandwidth and disk space constraints), I
would suggest the following guidelines for images that any Pentaxer
might like to contribute to the Lens Gallery:

1.  The image file format will be JPEG (*.jpg) (but multiple files
should ideally be packaged into one or a few .ZIP files for

2.  Maximum file size will generally be 100 KB.  (There currently
are a few images in the PLG that are a bit over 100 KB, but the vast
majority are under 100 KB.)  (Yes, I realize that a 100 KB limit
constrains showing as much detail as we all like to see, but, if you
want to post any large image files, you'll have to provide your own
hosting for them outside of the PLG - sorry.)

3.  Maximum image dimension will be 600 pixels on the longest side.
Oversized images will be resized.  (Gee, that sounds familiar...)

4.  Filenames must consist of alpha-numeric characters only, and
cannot contain any spaces.  Please use ".jpg" for the extension.
Please try to provide short but descriptive filenames.  (And, please
note that submitted filenames may sometimes be changed as necessary
before posting in the PLG.)

5.  Submissions must have been made using either Pentax lenses or
third-party lenses that are Pentax compatible (including T-mount
lenses, Adaptall lenses, etc.)  (By the way, although nearly all
lenses currently in the Gallery are K-mount lenses, I would like to
emphasize that screwmount Pentax lenses are also welcome.)

6.  Images should be emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] along with the
essential details for ~each~ image, but only ~AFTER~ the details are
~FIRST~ provided in an introductory email to me.  (Sorry, but I
currently have only a nominal "56K" dial-up connection, and I really
don't want to download a lot of image files only to find that they
have to be fixed and then be resent, etc.)  If you can include a
150x100 thumbnail for each image, it would be helpful.

Since the above is only a "first stab" at submission guidelines for
the PLG, they might indeed be modified as time goes on.  (I don't
think I've ever gotten something right the first time around - <g>.)
I will soon put the guidelines into the PLG itself, and I will then
try to keep those online guidelines updated as any changes need to
be made.

I haven't had a chance yet to add some more of my own images (for
some of the lenses already shown there, plus for some additional
lenses), but I hope to be able to do so shortly.  How about you?


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