
MJ> Christian,
MJ> Now you're talking. An MXa, like the MX but with aperture-priority AE added.
MJ> And keep it hanging around in the catalog for us dinosaurs.

MJ> I'd buy two, and be very grateful.

Well, I am a newbie of this list. Also I am quite new into Pentax
realm. So, perhaps I am going to say an unsophisticated thing.

But, isn't ME Super is what might pull Mike out of trouble? It is not
absolutely mechanical, but it comes close. I think it is rather
difficult to make aperture priority AE happen without some electricity

Anyway, my proposal to Mike would be either MX or ME Super. For $500
Mike could have 4 or 5 ME Supers so that he could pick his favorite
two and use the rest for parts whenever necessary.

Boris Liberman

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