On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Pål Jensen wrote:

> Well, you do have have flash compensation in any mode practically
> speaking because you do have any mode accessible simultaneously on
> MZ-S

Ok, If I'm in shutter-priority with the MZ-S (by which I mean I'm choosing
the shutter apeed manually and it's picking an aperture), how do I use FEC
for a shot and then return to my original mode?  I'll have to (1) move the
aperture ring to manually select an aperture, because if I leave it set to
"A" then the exp. comp. will adjust my ambient *and* flash exposure.  
This also sucks, because I'm wanting to have the camera pick my aperture,
not select it myself; (2) hit a button to set my proper shutter speed; (3)
turn the exp. comp. dial and take the picture; (4) turn the dial back; (5)
move the lens back to "A".

Now, if there was a separate button for FEC (like there is on the F80),
you would have to (1) hold down the FEC button; (2) dial in your FEC just
like exp. comp. and take the picture; (3) hold down the FEC
button; (4) set the FEC back to zero.  You use a total of one button and
one dial, and don't have to change anything on your lens.  Nobody
complains about how hard it is to set exp. comp. this way, so I don't see
why it should be any harder to select FEC in the same manner.  And you can
do it without having to leave the shooting mode that you're on.  Note that
I was still on shutter-priority the entire time.  As for cluttering up the
camera, adding one button would not do that.  Have a look at a pic of the
F80 to see what they came up with (the exp comp. and flash exp
comp. buttons are right at the rear of the shutter release):


I'm not trying to be a Nikon booster, merely to point out that a FEC
button which works at all times without having to do anything to your
shutter or aperture can be added without a lot of fuss.  And the F80 is
coming in at a much lower price point than the MZ-S.

> I do not undersand why it should be more work to press the MZ-S IF
> button than the F80 flash exposure comp. button.

Because you have to change your shooting mode to do so.  I know it doesn't
have "modes" as such, but it changes what you control and what you
don't.  You can only use FEC on the MZ-S if you are choosing the shutter
speed and aperture.  This means that you have to take the lens off of the
A setting (I'm just guessing at this, but it seems a pretty safe
guess).  A dedicated FEC button lets you use FEC even while in full
program, as well as shutter and aperture priority modes.  You don't have
to change a thing about your ambient exposure.

> The MZ-S offer flash compensation but in a different manner than other
> cameras; it is just as efficient and easy to use.

That's certainly possible; I don't want to say that it isn't until I've
played with it.  All I'm saying is that, from what I've heard about the
MZ-S, it sounds more complicated.  Especially having to change over to
manual to use FEC.

> Thinking modes is completely wrong here; the MZ-S has constant
> and at anytime hyper modes. Its just about setting exposure; whether
> you do it this way or that doesn't matter; you don't change mode on
> the MZ-S - just exposure.

It's not about changing exposure, it's about which aspects of the exposure
you control.  You have to select both a shutter speed and aperture
manually to use FEC on the MZ-S, correct?  This means that your lens has
to be taken off the "A" setting, doesn't it?


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