I have noticed that LX prices seemed to have gone down on eBay.  Someone
wrote that if you get an LX you might have ongoing repair bills on it.  I
have an an earlier model LX and have not experienced some of the situations
mentioned by others on this list.

Jim A.

> Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 15:14:42 -0800
> Subject: Bodies: K2 vs. KX vs. LX
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 18:14:01 -0500
> I'm likely going to be doing some extreme macro photography this summer
> (in the 1X to 4X range), so I've been seriously considering getting a
> body that offers MLU.  I detest autofocus; worse, the modern Pentax AF
> bodies all appear to offer no way to get a focusing screen with a
> split-image center and a microprism collar.  It's bad enough to pay for
> a (mis)feature I don't want, it's even worse to have my choices
> crippled because of the hidden premise that I'll always use the
> (mis)feature.
> Hence my interest in a classic body that offers MLU.  LX is definitely
> the best, and if money were no object for me I'd just shell out five or
> six C-notes and be done with it.  Alas, I'm poor.
> Bojidar Dimitrov's Pentax K-Mount Page lists the KX and K2 as also
> offering MLU.  What's worrying is that they're somewhat old bodies (all
> 25+ years old by now).  The K2 also is an electronic camera, which
> makes me wonder how likely it is that the circuit board will suddenly
> up and quit (and if it does, how likely it is to be unrepairable).  I
> also just plain have a preference for a mechanical-shutter camera,
> though I'll compromise on that if it means getting a good body with MLU
> for significantly less.  I notice Adorama's used department has a
> several K2 bodies listed for under $150.  A cursory search hasn't
> turned up any KX bodies for sale, though I expect I may see them at the
> camera swap meet in Hillsboro, OR this weekend.
> So, should I even consider a K2 or KX?  Is there anything in particular
> to watch out for with these bodies?  Or should I just forget about it
> and spring for an LX?
> --
> David Barts
> Portland, OR

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