But I bet the KX is more reliable. why?
becuase its really just a slightly modified spottie
which are extremely reliable.

Secondly TTL flash is overrated in my
opinion, on camera flash pix suck even when
they are perfectly exposed. Fill flash looks
good, but even the LX maxes out at 1/90 for flash
doesnt it?

As for the LX metering/AE going to minutes,
it's going to underexpose due to film reciprocal
failure anyway. When doing those kinds of shots
you need to bracket like hell MANUALLY. That's
right, good ol' fashion "B" and a stop watch.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anton Browne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:21 AM
> Subject: Re: Bodies: K2 vs. KX vs. LX
> I think it has to be the LX, for the meter that can go to
> minutes, the TTL flash - and later when your funds have recovered
> - the waist level and angle finders. The mirror lock-up on the MX
> seems to be a 'fortunate' bug but on mine it's unreliable. Tap
> the shutter too hard and it fires, too lightly and nothing
> happens, it has to be just so. There's also the question of
> whether this practice damages the mechanism!
> Seems to me the LX has everything you need so no contest. In two
> years time you'll have forgotten about the expense.
> Anton
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