On Sun, 2 Mar 2003 22:41:08 -0800 (PST), Peter Jansen wrote:

> I find with my F-300mm f4.5 and Z1p that I have to use
> the 2s mirror-up at speeds as high as 1/125 or even
> 1/180.

Luckily, I'm typically shooting in bright overcast or daylight, so it's
not usually a problem to get at least 1/250 shutter speed, or faster. 
Which is good, as 1/250 or 1/500 is the "sweet spot" for my

> The MZ-S has WAY less vibration than the ME Super (I
> have one).

I haven't done any systematic tests, but I this sure seems true to me,
at least compared to my K-1000, LX, and ZX-5.  Also, the MZ-S seems to
spread the action out over more time than the other three cameras.  It
audibly progresses through a couple of different phases.  The LX does
this also, but the entire process happens over a shorter time, while
the K-1000 and ZX-5 just seem to be "crash thump" all at once.


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