Bruce wrote:

> An LX with AF would be yawned at by most of the world - it would only
> appeal to a few die hard Pentaxians.  

But there is another function of Pentax niche product: keeping the system alive. 
Theres no doubt in my mind that without the LX, the Pentax K-mount system would have 
been strictly for thos looking for  a bargain in "obsolete" equipment. Now, aspects of 
the Pentax K-mount system is the prefered tool for quite a number of photographers. I 
mean, how else to explain that many are willing to pay more for a A* 85/1.4 than a 
brand new FA* 85/1.4 lens? I have no doubt that the Limited lenses are regarded as 
"future legends" from Pentax. Something to keep interest in the brand and system. 
Pentax doesn't have an AF camera that will function as an anchor of the AF lens 
system. I believe they need it. 
The LX is the fundament of the whole K-mount cult and without it a dare not even think 
about what the K-mount  would have been about today. At least, you could have found 
K-mount lenses much cheaper on e-bay.


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